Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan

Console Nintendo 3DS
Publisher Atlus
Genre Role-Playing
Region EU , US
Views 6,387
Downloads 5,889
Released July 5, 2012
File size 376.34 M
3.8/5 (2 votes)
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The Yggdrasil tree has been a perplexing feature on the earth for millennia, visible from practically every vantage point but untouchable by human hands. Thus, the enigmatic Outland Count of Tharsis has funded an expedition to solve this arboreal riddle. When you play “Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan” on the 3DS, you put yourself in the shoes of an intrepid adventurer determined to solve this botanical mystery. Your journey to greatness is full of action and decision-making, from customizing your team’s appearance and duties to fending off hordes of terrifying adversaries in turn-based combat. Don’t forget to be a resourceful traveler; you’ll need to gather resources to construct the necessary equipment.


One of the crown jewels of “Etrian Odyssey IV” is the opportunity to control your destiny—or, at the very least, your adventuring crew’s appearance and skill set. Players may change the look of their teammates down to haircuts and color schemes. More importantly, you may assign them to specific classes corresponding to your gameplay approach. Do you enjoy the offense? Select a Landsknecht. Are you more of a defender? Choose a Fortress. This is the area for you if you love tormenting yourself with indecision! Customization isn’t only for show; it’s also for strategy, providing gaming intricacies that might be the difference between a spectacular success and a sad trombone failure.


Etrian Odyssey IV isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s also a tactical powerhouse. The combat in the game is turn-based, which means that each side takes turns making their move. Players can choose from various actions ranging from the simple (hitting and protecting) to the more complex (such as releasing unique powers or equipment). It’s like a chess game when the bishop suddenly can wield a blazing sword. Every decision made in the heat of combat has ramifications, pushing you to think critically. Winning requires more than just strength; it also requires intelligence.


In this game, victory comes with benefits in the form of experience points. As you defeat numerous enemies, your characters become more muscular and earn new powers. Consider the transformation of a skinny weakling into a world-class bodybuilder with less sweat and more fantastical monsters. Leveling up is more than just a status symbol; it’s a must. The adversaries you confront get progressively powerful as you go through the game. A level increase might differentiate between defeating the dragon and becoming dragon chow.


Crafting is a life-or-death requirement in Etrian Odyssey IV, not a Pinterest project. Around your journeys, you will come across materials strewn around the terrain. These aren’t simply collecting baubles; they are building blocks for powerful gear and helpful goods. Crafting is essential in a game where survival is paramount. The unusual fungus you found might be the essential ingredient in a life-saving elixir or a powerful weapon. As the saying goes, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”—or, in this instance, survival gear.


Finally, what is an odyssey if not a desire for eternal glory? The game has a variety of tasks that function as mini-adventures with the larger aim of discovering the mysteries of Yggdrasil. Whether chasing down a specific beast or rescuing a unique treasure, each mission is its trip, with possibilities to acquire resources, experience, and, most importantly, bragging rights. What good is an incredible journey if you can’t brag about it later?

That concludes Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan is more than a game; it’s a kaleidoscope of adventure, strategy, and personal development. Now, go forth and let glory guide you!

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